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Date Video
December 2006 Christmas 2006 Montage
October 2006 Lutz Reunion Montage 1
October 2006 Lutz Reunion Montage 2
October 2006 Lutz Reunion Montage 3
October 2006 Lutz Reunion Montage 4
October 14, 2006 Uncle Tony gives Mason a Piggyback Ride
August 26, 2006 Maddie's 2nd Birthday Montage
June 5, 2006 Julie walks and receives her diploma
June 5, 2006 Corey walks and receives his diploma
June 5, 2006 Throwing the caps
March 11, 2006 Mason's Family Birthday Party Montage
March 10, 2006 Mason's Third Birthday Party Montage
March 10, 2006 Singing Happy Birthday to Mason
February 2006 Mason tries to Ice Skate for the first time
February 2006 Montage at the Boston Children's Museum
December 2005 Christmas Day Montage
December 2005 Christmas Eve Montage
December 2005 Charlie Brown Christmas with Uncle Jeff
August 2005 Maddie's First Birthday Montage
August 2005 Singing Happy Birthday to Maddie
July 3, 2005 Singing Happy Birthday to Grandpa "Pops"
June 25, 2005 Singing Happy Birthday to Alison
June 25, 2005 Alison's First Birthday Party Montage
June 2005 Jeff and Carolyn watch Mason Montage
May 2005 Florida Vacation Montage #1
May 2005 Florida Vacation Montage #2
May 2005 Florida Vacation Montage #3
May 2005 Maddie crawling for the first time
May 2005 Montage of Visit to Grandma and Grandpa
April 2005 Mason drives the John Deere with Daddy
March 2005 Cape Vacation Montage
March 2005 Mason's 2nd Birthday Montage
February 2005 Maddie's First Solid Food (Rice)
February 13, 2005 Maddie's Baptism Day Montage
December 2004 Great Grandma Edie holds Maddie for the first time
December 2004 Christmas Eve Montage
December 2004 Mason opens his Mercedes from Uncle Adam
December 2004 Christmas Day Montage
December 2004 Grandma 'Lil and Grandpa Eric Visit Montage
October 2004 The moment the Red Sox WIN!!!
October 2004 Waking Mason up in the bottom of the ninth!
October 2004 Mason holds Maddie - then hits her
October 2004 Grandpa Hendren with Mason in the Backyard
September 2004 Mason dances to Kris playing the piano
September 2004 Aunt Liz holds Maddie
September 2004 Singing Happy birthday to Alyssa
September 2004 Grandma 'Lil holds Maddie for the first time
September 2004 Weekend in CT Montage
September 2004 Scrofani Brothers teach Mason Football
September 2004 Mason holds Maddie again
September 2004 Mommy tries to change Maddie's Diaper
September 2004 Mason holds Maddie
August 2004 Uncle Jeff tries to break the Slip and Slide
August 2004 Maddie's Born: Montage #1
August 2004 Maddie's Born: Montage #2
August 2004 Maddies' Born: Montage #3
August 28, 2004 Aunt Alyssa holds Maddie
August 28, 2004 Aunt Carolyn holds Maddie for the first time
August 28, 2004 Uncle Jeff holds Maddie for the first time
August 28, 2004 Grandma Hendren holds Maddie for the first time
August 27, 2004 Mason continues to get to know Maddie
August 27, 2004 Mason sees Maddie for the first time
August 27, 2004 Grandma Lutz holds Maddie for the first time
August 26, 2004 Mommy holding Maddie for the first time
August 14, 2004 Christine & Steve's Wedding: Montage
August 14, 2004 Christine & Steve's Wedding: Steve's Vows
August 14, 2004 Christine & Steve's Wedding: Christine's Vows
August 14, 2004 Christine & Steve's Wedding: They Kiss!
August 14, 2004 Christine & Steve's Wedding: Intro & First Dance
July 16, 2004 Jeff & Carolyn: Rehearsal Dinner Montage
July 17, 2004 Jeff & Carolyn: Wedding Montage
July 17, 2004 Jeff & Carolyn: Reception Montage
July 17, 2004 Jeff & Carolyn: Drew, Dale, Christine, Julie Dance
July 3, 2004 Montage of Laura and Jason's Wedding
Father's Day '04 The Lutz Family cuts down a tree
June 19, 2004 Wedding: Pam and Jay have their first dance
June 19, 2004 Wedding: Pam and Jay cut their cake
May 2004 Montage of Memorial Day Weekend at the Cape Beach
May 15, 2004 Montage at Carolyn's Shower
April 24, 2004 Anthony & Renee's Wedding: Exchange of Rings
April 24, 2004 Anthony & Renee's Wedding: Intro at Reception
April 12, 2004 Moving - Craning out the Piano
March 13, 2004 Montage of Mason's Birthday Party
March 13, 2004 Singing Happy Birthday to Mason
March 2004 Mason runs around the house
January 2004 MMA Dinner: Baier's Iron Curtain Speech
January 2004 Mason takes his first steps!!!
December 2003 Rich & Hilary's Wedding: Exchange of Vows
December 2003 Rich & Hilary's Wedding: The later part of the reception
December 2003 Rich & Hilary's Wedding: Body Surfing?
December 2003 Mason doing "Clap Clap Clap" and "Touchdown"
December 2003 Mason's First Christmas Video Montage
December 2003 Mason's Christmas Eve and visits with Adam Montage
November 2003 Mason Roadshow and Thanksgiving Montage
November 2003 Montage of Visit to Connecticut
October 2003 Trick or Treating at Uncle Jeff and Aunt Carolyn's
October 2003 Mason eating Cheerios - One by One
October 2003 Jeff and Marisa run BAA Half-Marathon
October 2003 Mason can crawl!!!
October 2003 Mason at the Tot Lot (Must See)
September 2003 Mason trying an Apple with Karen while Apple Picking
September 2003 Mason at the park on the swing
September 2003 Mason laughing while eating dinner
September 2003 Mommy and Mason Dancing: Getting Ready to see Bruce Springsteen at Fenway Park!  (unfortunately Mason is not going!)
September 2003 Mason's facial reaction to his first Carrots
September 2003 Mason blowing bubbles to the Carrots he does not like
August 2003 Summer Vacation at the Cape Montage
August 2003 Mason playing Elton John on the Piano
July 2003 Mason rolling over by himself!!
July 2003 Montage of an Afternoon across the street along the Charles River
July 2003 Mason smacking his gums while hearing about his College Fund
July 2003 Mason watching the Fireworks Grand Finale with Mommy
July 2003 Mason watching the Fireworks with Christina
July 2003 More Fireworks!
July 2003 Four F-18's Fly-By over the Roofdeck
June 2003 Mommy and Mason dancing to Nora Jones
June 2003 Mason talking out loud
June 2003 Mason playing with his new toy from Uncle Adam and Michaelynn
June 2003 Mason's Christening
May 2003 Mason has a bath while visiting Cape Cod
April 2003 Mason has Tummy Time
April 2003 Easter Montage - Part 1
April 2003 Easter Montage - Part 2
April 2003 Uncle Adam holding Mason for the first time
April 2003 Michaelyn holding Mason for the first time
April 2003 Grandpa holding Mason
April 2003 Uncle Jeff holding Mason
April 2003 Mason throwing up on Grandpa
April 2003 Opening gift from Great Grandma Edie
April 2003 Uncle Jeff eats Jax and Grandpa realizes his drill needs charging
April 2003 Another one where Grandpa is holding Mason
April 2003 Mason squeezed into Easter Basket
April 2003 Mason's First Bath part 1
April 2003 Mason's First Bath part 2
April 2003 Uncle Adam and Grandma drying Mason off after bath
April 2003 Mason gets a shampoo!
April 2003 Uncle Adam thinks a Coke bottle opened an hour ago is Flat
April 2003 Grandpa gets ready to put Mason to bed
April 2003 The Lutz Family paints Easter Eggs
Easter 2003 Where is everyone sitting at the Easter Dinner Table?
Easter 2003 Grandpa holds Mason while Grandma brings the Easter Bunny presents!
April 2003 Mason visit's Grandpa's JPMorgan Office
April 2003 Montage of Mason's CT Baby Shower
April 2003 Baby Shower: Gramps Hendren holding Mason for the first time
April 2003 Baby Shower: Mason and Jean
April 2003 Baby Shower: Mason and Amy
April 2003 Baby Shower: Mason and Ellen
April 2003 Baby Shower: Mason and Karen
April 2003 Baby Shower: Mason and Hilary
April 2003 Baby Shower: Explaining the Games
April 2003 Baby Shower: Time to open the Gifts!
April 2003 Baby Shower: Opening Gift from Trudi Black
April 2003 Baby Shower: Opening Gift from Deb
April 2003 Baby Shower: Opening Gift from Susan
April 2003 Baby Shower: Opening Gift from Grandma 'Lil
April 2003 Baby Shower: Opening the Big Mouse from Grandma 'Lil
April 2003 Baby Shower: Opening Gift from The Jacksons
April 2003 Baby Shower: Opening Gift from Amy and Ellen
April 2003 Baby Shower: Brittany feeding Mason
April 2003 Baby Shower: Mason's Girlfriends taking him for a walk outside
April 2003 Baby Shower: Aunt Alyssa and Mason
April 2003 Baby Shower: Aunt Alyssa and Mason (again!)
April 2003 Mason's First Piano Recital
April 2003 Mason's Second Piano Recital
April 2003 Montage of Scrofani and Grandma 'Lil Visits to Mason
April 2003 Aunt Liz holding Mason for the first time
April 2003 Uncle Rich holding Mason for the first time
April 2003 Great Grandma 'Lil holding Mason for the first time
April 2003 Uncle Rich holding Mason again!
April 2003 Marisa opening gift from Great Grandma 'Lil (and Rich/Mason)
April 2003 Uncle Steve holding Mason for the first time
April 2003 Mason and Mommy
March 2003 Uncle (Godfather) Jeff changing Mason's Diaper
March 2003 Uncle Jeff imitating Uncle Adam smoking a STOAG
March 2003 Uncle Jeff quieting Mason with the Nukky-Nuk
March 2003 Uncle Jeff seeing Mason for the FIRST TIME!
March 2003 Mason's First Eye Focus:  Following the new Jackson's Mobile
March 2003 Mason Crying (Hard to watch!)
March 2003 Mason asleep and Mommy trying to wake him
March 2003 Mason Hungry (warning: LOUD CRYING!)
March 2003 Mason's First Walk Outside - Part 1
March 2003 Mason's First Walk Outside - Part 2
March 2003 Mason (after bath) getting ready to eat
March 2003 Dad & Mason: Piano Duet (trying to wake Mason with the piano)
March 2003 Montage of Hospital visits to Mason
March 2003 Marisa holding Mason
March 2003 Grandpa Lutz holding Mason
March 2003 Grandma Lutz holding Mason
March 2003 Grandma Hendren holding Mason
March 2003 Aunt Erika holding Mason
March 2003 Aunt Alyssa holding Mason
March 2003 Leaving the Hospital
March 2003 Arriving at Home
February 2003 MMA Baby Shower - Montage
February 2003 MMA Baby Shower - Marisa Arriving
February 2003 MMA Baby Shower - Pat's Speech
February 2003 Marisa's Boston Baby Shower
January 2003 Superbowl
January 2003 Annual Meeting Newspaper and Boston Skyline
Christmas 2002 Marisa getting ready for Christmas
Christmas Morning Montage of opening presents


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This page was last updated 11/23/07