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Galleries that are shaded grey have been removed and archived.  Contact us if you wish us to restore them.

Date Gallery
October-November 2009 October and November 2009 Pictures
October 2009 Halloween 2009
October 2009 Walt Disney World Vacation
October 2009 Alexander Dale is born!
September 2009 September 2009 Pictures
September 2009 Mason's First Day of First Grade; Maddie's First Day of Kindergarten
August 2009 August 2009 Pictures
August 2009 Maddie's 5th Birthday
August 15, 2009 Jeff and Carolyn's Baby Shower
August 2009 Cape Vacation 2009
July 2009 Adam and Michaelyn's Wedding - Pictures from Jeff and Carolyn
July 18, 2009 Adam and Michaelyn's Wedding - Getting ready, Ceremony and Reception
July 18, 2009 Adam and Michaelyn's Wedding - Brunch at Deb and Al's
July 17, 2009 Adam and Michaelyn's Wedding - Rehearsal Dinner
July 2009 July 2009 Pictures
June 2009 June 2009 Pictures
May 2009 May 2009 Pictures
May, 2009 Maddie's Ballet Recital
March-April 2009 Spring 2009 Pictures
April 2009 Easter 2009
March 2009 Mason's 6th Birthday
Winter 2009 Skiing (including Maddie's first time)
Winter 2009 Maddie visits American Girl
Winter 2008-2009 Winter 2008-2009 Pictures
December 2008 EXPLICIT:  Carolyn's Birthday Celebration
Christmas 2008 Christmas 2008
October 2008 Halloween 2008
Autumn 2008 Autumn 2008 Pictures
October 6, 2008 Red Sox win the ALDS - we were there!
September 21, 2008 Apple Picking
September 7, 2008 Visit to Grandpa Pops
September 2, 2008 Mason's First Day of Kindergarten
August 2008 Maddie's 4th Birthday Party
August 16-17, 2008 Rich and Lisa's Rehearsal Dinner and Wedding
August 9, 2008 EMC Club at Fenway with the Agabedis Family
August 2008 Cape Vacation
July 2008 Visiting Family for Great Grandma Edie's Funeral
Summer 2008 Pictures from Summer 2008
July 4, 2008 July 4th on the Cape
June 15, 2008 Father's Day with Pops in CT
April/May 2008 Spring 2008 Pictures
May 2, 2008 Lucy's Bal des Berceaux
March 28, 2008 Family Pictures from Uncle Tony's Funeral
March 23, 2008 Easter 2008
March 2008 Mason's 5th Birthday
January 2008 Bahamas Vacation with Grandma, Uncle Jeff and Aunt 'Lynna
Winter 2007-2008 Winter 2008 Pictures
December 2007 Christmas Pictures
November 2007 November 2007 Pictures (includes Thanksgiving)
October 2007 Halloween 2007
October 27, 2007 Lutz Family Reunion
October 2007 October 2007 Pictures
September 2007 September 2007 Pictures
August 25-26 2007 Maddie's 3rd Birthday
August 2007 Mid-Atlantic Vacation
August 4, 2007 Kevin and Stephanie's Wedding
June 2007 June 2007 Pictures
June 2007 Father's Day with Pops at the Cape
May 2007 Aunt Alyssa graduates from College
April and May 2007 April and May 2007 Pictures
April 2007 Vegas Vacation
April 2007 Easter 2007
March 10, 2007 Mason's Fourth Birthday
January/February 2007 Winter 2007 Pictures
December 2006 Christmas 2006
October 2006 Halloween 2006
October 2006 Lutz Family Reunion in Whiting, NJ
October 2006 Apple Picking with Uncle Jeff and Aunt 'Lynna
September 2006 Aunt-Ah's 21st Birthday Party
September/October 2006 September and October 2006 Pictures
August 26, 2006 Maddie's 2nd Birthday
July/August 2006 July and August 2006 Pictures
July 2006 Pops' 60th - On the Cape
June 2006 June 2006 Pictures
June 2006 Lake Winnipesauke NH Vacation
June 5, 2006 Corey and Julie's High School Graduation
May 2006 May 2006 Pictures
April 2006 Daddy builds the Swingset
April 2006 Easter 2006
March and April 2006 March and April 2006 Pictures
March 2006 Mason's Family Birthday Party
March 2006 Mason turns Three!
February 2006 February 2006 Pictures
January 2006 January 2006 Pictures
December 2005 Christmas 2005
December 2005 December 2005 Pictures
December 2005 Uncle Jeff and Aunt 'Lynna Visit
December 2005 Picking and Trimming the 2005 Christmas Tree
Thanksgiving 2005 Thanksgiving 2005
November 2005 November Pictures
Halloween 2005 Halloween 2005
October 2005 October Pictures
September 2005 September Pictures
August 27, 2005 Maddie's First Birthday Party
August 26, 2005 Maddie's First Birthday
August 2005 August pictures of the kids
July 31, 2005 Maddie's First Red Sox Game
July 2005 July pictures of the kids
July 3, 2005 Grandpa (pops) Birthday
June 25, 2005 Alison's First Birthday Party
June 2005 Cape Cod Vacation
May/June 2005 May/June pictures of the kids
May 2005 Delray Beach Florida Vacation
March/April 2005 March/April pictures of the kids
March 2005 Maddie's First Easter
March 2005 Cape Cod Vacation
March 2005 Mason's 2nd Birthday
February 13, 2005 Madeline's Baptism
February 2005 February 2005 Pictures
January 2005 January 2005 Pictures
December 2004 Scrofani Visit Christmas 2004
December 2004 Christmas 2004
December 2004 Christmas Eve 2004
December 2004 December Pictures of the Kids
December 2004 Mason's First Haircut
November 25, 2004 Thanksgiving 2004
November 2004 Even More (!) November Pix of the Kids
November 2004 November Pictures of the Kids
October 2004 Halloween 2004
October 30, 2004 Red Sox Victory Parade!
October 2004 Grandma Edie's Pictures
October 2004 October Pictures of the Kids
September 2004 Weekend in CT
September 2004 Maddie Three Weeks Old
September 2004 Maddie Two Weeks Old
September 2004 Maddie One Week Old
September 2004 Maddie Six Days Old
August 2004 Maddie Five Days Old
August 2004 Maddie Four Days Old
August 2004 Madeline's Birth and Hospital Stay
August 15, 2004 An Afternoon at Fenway Park (for Grandpa's Birthday)
August 14, 2004 Christine & Steve's Wedding
August 2004 Mason Seventeen Months Old
July 2004 J&C: Pictures from Val (External Link)
July 2004 J&C: Pictures from Mr. & Mr. C!
July 2004 J&C: Pictures from Barb (External Link)
July 2004 Jeff and Carolyn: Wedding Reception
July 2004 Jeff and Carolyn: Wedding Ceremony
July 2004 Jeff and Carolyn: Wedding Rehearsal
July 2004 Jeff and Carolyn - Bachelor & Bachelorette Parties
July 4, 2004 Fireworks
July 3, 2004 Laura and Jason's Wedding
June 26, 2004 Backyard BBQ
June 20, 2004 Father's Day
June 19, 2004 Pam and Jay's Wedding
June/July 2004 Mason Fifteen/Sixteen Months Old
May 15, 2004 Carolyn's (surprise) Bridal Shower
May 2004 Jeff Michaelyn & Adam Visit
May 2004 Mason Fourteen Months Old
April 2004 Anthony and Renee's Wedding
April 2004 The Big Move out of Boston
April 2004 Easter Sunday
April 2004 Marisa's Ultrasound
April 2004 Our new home
March 13, 2004 Mason's First Birthday Party
March 10, 2004 Mason's First Birthday
March 2004 Mason Twelve Months Old
February 2004 Mason Ten and Eleven Months Old
January 2004 MMA Annual Meeting 2004
January 2004 Jeff's Birthday and Adam visits the Cantab
Dec. & Jan. 2003/4 Mason Nine and Ten Months Old
December 2003 Mason's First Christmas
December 2003 Rich and Hilary's Wedding
December 2003 Grandma Sandi's Picture Gallery
December 2003 2003 Christmas Tree
November 2003 The Mason Roadshow and Thanksgiving
November 2003 Weekend in Connecticut
October 2003 Trick or Treat!  Mason's First Halloween in Beacon Hill
October 2003 Marisa and Jeff run Half-Marathon
October 2003 Mason Seven and Eight Months Old
September 2003 Apple Picking/Petting Zoo then Football at Jen and Ron's
September 2003 Mason Five and Six Months Old
August 2003 Cape Cod Summer Vacation
July 2003 Uncle Jeff and Aunt Carolyn are Engaged!!! (Ring pix!)
July 2003 Uncle Steve Visits Boston (and Fenway Park!)
July 2003 Mason at Four Months Old
July 2003 Mason's First Fireworks
July 2003 Jeff & Carolyn's new Apartment and Boston Pops Concert
June 2003 Mason's First Red Sox Game
June 2003 Aunt Alyssa Graduates from High School
June 2003 Mason's Christening
June 2003 Mason at Three Months Old
May 2003 Visit to Cape and Mommy's Birthday Celebration
May 2003 Mason at Two Months Old
May 2003 Mason visits the Cape for the first time
April 2003 Easter Weekend at Grandma and Grandpa Lutz's house
April 2003 Mason's Baby Shower hosted by Grandma Hendren and the Aunts
April 2003 Mason at One Month Old
April 2003 Scrofani's and Great Grandma 'Lil Visit Boston
April 2003 Mason at Three Weeks Old
March 2003 Uncle Jeff's Visit
March 2003 Mason at Two Weeks Old
March 2003 Mason at 11 Days Old
March 2003 Mason at 9 and 10 Days Old (Grocery Shopping)
March 2003 Mason at 8 Days Old (Visiting Mommy's Office)
March 2003 Mason at 7 Days Old (First Restaurant!)
March 2003 Mason at 6 Days Old (First Walk Outside)
March 2003 Mason at 5 Days Old
March 2003 Mason at 4 Days Old
March 2003 Mason at 3 Days Old
March 2003 Mason's Hospital Pictures
March 2003 Jeff and Carolyn's Weekend Visit
February 2003 Blizzard of 2003
February 2003 Jeff Lutz's Photo Gallery
February 2003 MMA Baby Shower for Marisa
February 2003 Cape Cod in the Winter
February 2003 Marisa quoted in "PCMA Today" Magazine
February 2003 Sandi and Dale Relaxing after Tennis
February 2003 Marisa's Boston Baby Shower
January 2003 Superbowl
January 2003 Red Sox Writers' Dinner
January 2003 MMA 2003 Annual Meeting
January 2003 First Night Boston 2003
December 2002 Vegetarian Marisa eating Hooters wings??
December 2002 Nursery Furniture (with a January 2003 update)
December 2002 2002 Christmas Pictures
October 2002 Marisa's Ultrasound #2
August 2002 Marisa's Ultrasound #1

Galleries that are shaded grey have been removed and archived.  Contact us if you wish us to restore them.

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This page was last updated 11/20/10