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Walt Disney World 2009

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Days 1&2 - Travel, Magic Kingdom, Epcot

On the Plane

Limo takes us to the airport

Joe Cool!

Riding in the Limo

We're at the Magic Kingdom!

Family photo

Dancing in the Street

Maddie Princess

Love the ears!


Mommy and Maddie

Mom and Dad

Mason having fun

Princess Castle

Grandma Marsha

Maddie says WOW

Mason and Maddie

Daddy and Maddie with Belle

Maddie scared of a Princess


Mason wasn't shy

Taking a break

Alyssa and Mom

Water slides!

Here comes Maddie!

Smile again!

Round and round we go!

Daddy is ready!

We love Disney!

Grandma ready to ride

Mom and Dad

Daddy and Maddie

Grandma and Marisa

Little Mermaid!

Daddy liked her.

Mason being silly

Day 3 - Magic Kingdom

Ready to Drive!

Mommy and Maddie

It's halloween time!

Going to see Mickey

We are in Minnie's House!

Where is Mickey and Minnie?


Maddie has big ears!

Mommy and Daddy


Checking out Mickey's room


Mommy on a roller coaster

Maddie holding on

Great picture!


Time for Ice Cream

Tea cups

Here we go!

Mason all smiles


That was fun!

Toy story!

Walking around

Daddy and Mason

Rides are fun!

Daddy calls Uncle Jeff - Alex was JUST BORN!!!!

Talking to a talking Trash Can

Daddy and Mason

Maddie and Mason

Cute kids!

Maddie and Mason be silly

Grandma loves Dumbo




Pooh and Grandma


Toy Story ride

Lock 'em up!

Alyssa and Mom

Ready to watch a show!

Hanging out with Grandma

Mommy and Maddie

Daddy and Mason


Flying high!

Mason and Maddie

Let's go fast!

Maddie steers straight

Mason loves this!

Day 4 - Hollywood Studios

Disney is tiring!

The Cars!

Mason battles the Dark Side

He gets Darth Vader!

Aunt Alyssa


Family shot

This was fun - Mommy and Daddy got some alone time!

At the drive-in

Mr. Potato Head

Alyssa loved him!

Hanging out!

3-D Bug's Life

Cool dude and Cool dudette

Ready to go again!

Here we go!

Maddie concentrating.

Mason going for gold

Who is this?

#1 Grandma


City scene

Mommy loves Kermit!

Mommy's favorite

Day 5 - Animal Kingdom

On the monorail

Sitting straight!

Where should we go first?

Mommy looking pretty


Mommy and Mason

Lutz Family

Ready for Dinner

Aunt-Ah is fun!

Alyssa and Mommy

Hendren Girls with Maddie

Daddy and Mommy

What are we doing here?

Daddy and Maddie play Rock Paper Scissors

Ready for a parade

Getting ready for the parade

Another family picture!

Bugs life!

Maddie and Mason

Kris and Marisa

Ready for Animal Kingdom!

Mason and Daddy

The Lutz Family!

Ready to see some animals!

Look at the Giraffe!

Maddie watches the Elephants

Days 6&7 - Breakfasts, More Epcot and Heading Home!

Ready for a Character Breakfast

Maddie rides fast!

Daddy and Maddie in a clamshell (Under the sea!)

Checking out a diver

Swallowed by a shark

It was hot today!

Lookin' good!

Being silly

Ready to ride on the TEST TRACK

Mason is very anxious

Daddy and Maddie

That was fun!

Alyssa and Mommy

Mason and Mommy

Mason at Epcot

Our hotel


Mommy liked him, kind of.

Alice in Wonderland!

Maddie was a little scared.

The Mad Hatter was very loud.

Mason didn't mind.

Our vacation is almost over!

Kris and Marisa

We are getting tired!

Our last day!

Say goodbye to Mary Poppins!

Ready to come home.

This was fun!

On the bus back to the airport. Daddy needed another vacation immediately afterwards! He was tired!

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This site was last updated 11/20/10