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Kevin and Stephanie's Wedding

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Swimming with Grandma

Adam and Michaelyn

Hanging by the Pool for lunch

Daddy and Maddie

Mason and Maddie

Lutz Family Photo 1

Lutz Family Photo 2

Carolyn and Jeff

Jeff and Carolyn

Jeff/Carolyn walking to the Church

Adam and Michaelyn heading to Church

Daddy walking Maddie to Church

Grandma with Michaelyn and Adam

Uncle Jeff and Mason

Miss Maddie

Parents of the Groom

Julie's all ready!

Walking down the aisle

Exchanging vows

They Kiss!

Happy Couple

Corey escorts Grandma

Uncle Jeff and Grandma

Kris and Marisa

Is that an "Easy Button"??!!

Nice Picture

Three Lutz Boys

Happy Couple

Wedding Party Picture

Uncle Jeff dancing with Maddie

Dance Party!

Mommy dances with Maddie

Kevin and Grandma

Stephanie and Drew

Corey and Maddie

Mommy and Maddie

Corey and Maddie

Family Picture

Julie admires Kevin's ring

Father Daughter Dance

Lutz Wives

Kevin and Grandma

Kevin and Grandma

Jeff and Grandma Sandi

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This site was last updated 11/23/07