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March and April 2006

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Mason and James

Maddie at the Children's Museum

Zoe and Maddie

Maddie teaching

Mason looking cool

Mason cooking

Mason on Grandma's Bubble

Can I bulldoze this?

"Maddie don't push that button"

Grandpa and Maddie

Maddie take us over there!

Grandpa and Mason

Maddie playing in Grandma's sink

Maddie smiling

Daddy and his best pals

Maddie enjoying the game

Mason likes the Celtics!

Maddie checks out the Hooters menu

Hmmm....I like them HOT

Mason wants a large order

Maddie colors easter eggs

Ready for some rain!

Peek -a- Boo!

Do you like my scooter?

Check out James' tractor!

Lutz Family at Einstein Bagels

Visit to see Grandpa

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This site was last updated 11/23/07