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Photo Gallery


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Jeff and Carolyn's Baby Shower

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Kris tends the Grill

Dr. Miller and Janet

Maddie and Alison

Marsha and Aunt Deb

Three ladies talking it up!

Marisa and Karen


Kris stays cool

Carolyn with Liz and Jenn

Is this Kris' meat party?

Jenn and Liz

Enjoying some food and drink

Carolyn you ARE pregnant!

Staying cool in the shade


This table enjoyed the sun!

Adam, Michaelyn and Steve

The Grandma's!

Kyle is all smiles!

The Viola's

Cake for Baby Lutz

Look at all the presents!

Jeff and Carolyn open their presents

Aunt Deb and Carolyn

Dr. Miller and Janet

Marisa and Mom

Sandi and Deb

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This site was last updated 08/30/09