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November and Thanksgiving 2007

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Maddie shows off her Pumpkin

Isn't it cute? (how about me?!)

Zoe and Maddie in the Leaves

Zoe and Maddie

Mason keeps Bowling Score

Maddie tries for the spare

She got it!

We LOVE Bowling!

Did the ball make it all the way?

Uncle Jeff about to run the NYC Marathon

Marisa rooting for Uncle Jeff

Here he comes!

Are you tired?

Hanging with Grandpa Pops

Uncle Jeff reads a book

Maddie breaks her Arm!

Maddie shows off her purple cast

Maddie's Thanksgiving at School

Thanksgiving Kids Table

Ready for Turkey!

Thanksgiving Dinner 2007

Jeff and Pops

Dessert Time! Mason has room.

Marisa and Alyssa

The Sisters

Kris and Pops

Thanksgiving Football (Kris played too!)

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This site was last updated 11/23/07