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Trip through MD, PA, DE, NJ, NY, CT, and MA!

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Baltimore Aquarium - Dolphins!


Computer Time

Time for Bed!

I'm falling asleep!

OK - we're sleeping now.

Water Taxi!

Daddy at Fell's Point

Mason climbing into Camden Yards

Maddie wants "IN"

Daddy and Mason

Are the Oriole's playing?

Great Grandma Edie and Maddie coloring

Maddie's First Movie - Ratatouille!


Bye Great Grandma Edie!

Another Hug!

It's 106 Degrees!

Mason on the "Slimy" Ride!

Daddy/Maddie come down!

Sesame Fire Truck

Mason/Maddie with Bert and Ernie

Maddie eats Ice Cream

Mommy/Maddie in the Rocket Ships

It's Elmo's World!

La La la la -- Elmo's World

Maddie's on the top of Cookie Montain!



Uncle Tony and Aunt Muriel

Family Photo

On the front porch

Uncle Tony and Aunt Muriel

Hugging Uncle Tony

Hugging Aunt Muriel

Stopping at Grandpa Pops' favorite pizza place on the way home

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This site was last updated 11/23/07