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May 2009 Pictures

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All three boys visit Grandpa Pops!

Adam and Pops

Jeff and Pops

Uncle Drew and Pops

Kris plays the piano

Maddie ready to slide

Mason ready to hit

Maddie let's her hair down in the 'bertible!

Maddie concentrates...

Maddie at a birthday party

Marisa has a birthday

Aunt Lynna and Marisa

Jeff and Kris

Marisa ready to order!

Carolyn and Jeff (in a limo)

Kris and Marisa

Watching for Mommy

Give her a Five!

Yeah, you are almost there!

Team Relay

Uncle Jeff and his memorable shirt

What time is this? Marisa and Christine.

Good night! We are telling Sadie good night.

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This site was last updated 07/25/09