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Winter 2007 Pictures

Uncle Jeff and Maddie

Maddie at a Japanese Restaurant

Aunt Lynna and Maddie share a cocktail

Mason and Maddie drive around

Mason hugs Maddie

Grandma and Suze Orman

Jeff and Pops

Mason shovels the driveway

Maddie snow-sweeps

Skiing with Grandma

Mason's first time skiing!

Mason skis the fastest!

Riding the Magic Carpet

Jeff and Mason on the ski lift

Riding the ski lift

Daddy and Mason

Maddie sledding

Mason and Maddie

Mason at preschool

Daddy took me to Friendly's!

Maddie practicing the piano

Mason paints Maddie's room purple

Maddie sledding again

Mason tries his new birthday Spiderman Bike

Maddie drives her bike

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This site was last updated 11/23/07