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Adam and Michaelyn get Married

July 18, 2009

The Groomsmen get ready!

Mommy and Mason

Daddy helps Mason with his tie

Jeff, Kris and Mason all ready!

Hanging out in Adam's apartment

Daddy and Mason

Adam and Kris

Daddy adjusts Mason's tie

Chris helps Adam look sharp

Mason and Kris - Looking Sharp!

Chillin'...just one hour to go!

Adam and Kris again

Mason takes a picture of the Groomsmen

All dressed and ready to go

Mason and Daddy are ready!

Stopping for a quick snack

Jeff has to try the Buffalo Chicken pizza

Checking Mets Score...they are down by only 17!

All ready to go!

Kris, Chris and Adam

Mason plays Ms. Pac Man...

...then he tries Pool...

...And finally some gun game.

The cute bartender advises us No More Drinks

Mason hails his first Taxi (it actually stopped!)...WE ARE OFF!

Ceremony and Pictures Following

Kris backstage - he's all ready!

Michaelyn's Dad walks her down the aisle

Exchanging Vows

They are married!

With the Best Man and Maid of Honor

Mason checks out the scene as the boat pulls away

Mason and Grandma

Adam with The Bridesmaids

Michaelyn with her Bridesmaids

The bride with the Groomsmen

Should we throw her over? Of course not!

Mom, Pops and Adam

We love and miss you, Pops. : (

Mom and her boys

Lutz Family

The entire wedding party

Mason and Grandma

Jeff and Carolyn

Kris, Marisa, Mason and Maddie

Will this be the Christmas Card picture?

Kris and Jeff

Julie and Chris

Marisa and Kris

Carolyn and Jeff

Maddie and Selby

Kris and Mom

Reception on the Yacht, around NYC!

Marisa and Maddie

Selby and Maddie

Tiffanys Cake

Mason checks out the melt of the Ice Sculpture

Mason goes out on the deck for some air

First Dance

Can you believe we are married?

Michaelyn and Dad Dance

Julie and Chris

Adam and Mom Dance

Selby and Maddie dance

Mom and Adam keep on dancing!

Everybody dances!

OK - they smeared about A POUND of cake in each other's faces

The yacht got close to the Statue of Liberty

Maddie and Mom get tired

Mom and Mason - ready to go close to midnight!

Corey and Marisa

Corey and Marisa...with someone else!

Enjoying a stoagie overlooking Manhattan

Sandi, Marilyn and Pat

Sandi, Bill and Elaine

Sandi, Deb and Al

Sandi, Christine and Drew

Sandi, Ken and Eileen

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This site was last updated 07/25/09