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Note: Scroll all the way down to see through Christmas Day!

Finding our Christmas Tree

Looking for our Christmas Tree


Mommy and Maddie

Santa I've been good!

Can I get a Spiderman Web Shooter?

Maddie talk with Santa "not so much"

It's Christmas Time!

Daddy these trees are too small!

I want to stay warm inside!

OK, Daddy, where next?

Is this a good one? Still too small.

Here's the perfect one!

Will it stay up there?

Maddie helps Trim the Tree

Mason puts up his favorite ornament

I will decorate the bottom!

This tree needs a train set!

Here it comes!

Visiting with Family

Grandpa and Grandma

Check out Grandpa's Tree!

Grandma and Grandpa

Santa is here!

Santa I've been REALLY good!

Let's go for a sleigh ride

Hold on, Grandpa

Brrr ... It's cold!

Let's say good-bye!

Family at Arden Courts

Uncle Jeff can I have some more?

Opening gifts with Uncle Jeff and Aunt 'Lynna

Aunt Lynna opens a present

Uncle Jeff this is Yummy!

Uncle Jeff whips up some pancakes

Grandpa Eric Visits

Aunt Ah's Pals

Making the cookie dough

Maddie plays in the snow

Maddie by the tree

Mom in NYC

Best Pals

Snowy backyard!

Daddy and Mason

Christmas Eve

Mason sings Away in a Manger

Church Christmas Play

Lobstah Tradition!

Dinner Table is set!

Maddie makes Christmas Cookies

Aunt Michaelyn reads me a story

Uncle Adam with Maddie

Maddie ready to go outside

Mason not sure on the Lobster

Aunt Alyssa and Mason

Mason that's gross

Mason and Maddie

Aunt Alyssa and Maddie

Family Picture

Maddie close-up

Mason close-up

Putting on the cookies

Cookies left for Santa! (Carrots for Rudolph!)

Mason goes sledding

Christmas Day

Aunt Ah reads to Maddie

Mason and Aunt Ah

Grandpa and Mommy

Mason snuggles

Grandma and Grandpa

Christmas Dinner

Grandma and Grandpa

Mason up close

Adam Michaelyn with Mom and Dad

Maddie presents her gift

Daddy and Mommy

Michaelyn and Adam


Mason shows off his new remote car

Mommy reads Maddie a new book

Grandma plays with Maddie

Everyone reads a book

Maddie opens a present

Mason practices the piano


Grandma opens a present

Mason and Mommy

Daddy and Uncle Adam

Mason tries his Spiderman web shooter

Everyone poses

Maddie being silly

Uncle Adam: "You'll shoot your eye out"

Kris and Marisa

Daddy and Maddie


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This site was last updated 12/29/07