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Autumn 2008 Pictures

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That's Mommy running the Half Marathon!

Congratulations Mommy!

Daddy and Maddie

Mommy and Christine

Mason scores a goal!

Maddie excited for pictures

Silly kids!

Mason throwing leaves

Ready for pictures

Family Picture

Another Family Photo

Mason and Maddie

Maddie and Mason

Maddie's Girlfriends

Silly Hair!

Maddie with Corey

Maddie with Uncle Jeff and Aunt Carolyn

Another Good One!

Playing Stratego

Grandma and Maddie

Mason receives his soccer trophy

Isn't this awesome?!

Mason's soccer team

Kris doing Thanksgiving Dishes!

Thanksgiving Table

Maddie on Thanksgiving

Daddy and Maddie play the piano

Mason as a Princess? This can't live on the web forever.

Maddie checks her stocks in the Boston Globe.

Hmm...I'm not sure about this political bias...

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This site was last updated 01/02/09