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Getting ready for Christmas 2005

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My Aunt-Ah and I !!!!

Making Christmas Cookies

Daddy with his favorite girl

Riding the Rocking Horse

Making strong man faces

OK Mason - get off of her

Christmas Eve 2005

Aunt Alyssa with Mason

Hendren Ladies

Uncle Jeff and Aunt Lynna with Mason

Aunt Alyssa with Maddie

Carolyn opens up a Shark

The Chefs with their Aprons

Mason frightened by a Lobster

Aunt Alyssa makes sure they're dead

Dinner with the family

Grandma enjoys her lobster

Erica names her lobster "Boiled"

At Church Christmas Eve

Santa Came!

Christmas Day 2005

Mason got his firetruck!

Maddie checks out her shopping cart

Marisa and Maddie

Family Photo

Maddie looking cute

Daddy and Maddie

Maddie opens her doll

Maddie takes dolly for a walk

Be back soon!

Maddie getting tired

Pooped! Time for rest.


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This site was last updated 11/23/07