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September 2009 Pictures

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Mason shows off his sundae

How many kids fit on the top tower?!

Grandma, Jeff and Carolyn at the Pool Club

Grandma and Carolyn

Happy Anniversary Grandma and Grandpa!

Lutz Family

Smile with Grandpa Pops!

Swimming with Grandma

Who is having more fun?!

Daddy with Mason and Maddie

Grandma and Grandpa!

Mason - as he says - "I'm Relaxin'"!

Mason gives Grandpa a Hug.

Daddy gives Grandpa a Hug.

Maddie gives Grandpa a Hug.

Checking out the watch they got for their Anniversary

Marisa and Kris

Maddie on her playground that Daddy built!

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This site was last updated 09/08/09