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Photo Gallery


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Christmas Eve

Aunt Ah and Mason

Aunt E with Maddie

Baking Christmas Cookies

This one is for Santa!

Marisa and Mom

This one is for Rudolph!

I have my party dress on!

Christmas Eve Lobster Dinner!

Hmm...which one?

Santa comes tonight!

I'm an Elf!

Mmmm...Pastries from Jeff and Carolyn!

I eat a little neater.

Daddy and Maddie

Daddy plays piano at Church

Putting out the Christmas Cookies for Santa!

Erika and Mom

Kris and Marisa

I can't wait for Santa!

I want a cash register!

Family photo

Another try

I want a truck with a helicopter on top!

Mason and Aunt Ah

Three Ladies

Pops and Mom

Christmas Day


I got a Dora Car!

Check out this Cash Register!

I got a Backpack!

Adam and Michaelyn

Kris and Marisa

I don't know what this is, but she liked it.

Taking a break from opening presents (4PM)

Sandi and Dale

Lutz Men

Another shot

Family Photo

Pops opening a gift

Jeff and Carolyn

Grandma Spimmone and Grandpa Pops

Santa's Helpers

Aunt E with Maddie

Uncle Adam with Mason

Uncle Adam and Maddie

Nice Close Shave!

I love Christmas!

Checking out Mason's Computer

Messy Face!

Jeff and Carolyn

With the Kids

Erika and Mom

This table goes to the Tree!

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This site was last updated 11/23/07