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Just Born!!!

Watching the sunrise and waiting...

Mason's born!

Right after birth

Weighing In

Marisa holding Mason

Kris holding Mason

Grandma and Grandpa Lutz Visit

Grandma and Grandpa checking out their first Grandson

Grandma and Grandpa checking out their first Grandson

Checking in with Mason and Marisa

Grandma Lutz holding Mason

Grandma Lutz holding Mason

Grandpa Lutz holding Mason

Proud Grandpa holding his first Grandchild

Grandma and Grandpa with Mason 1

Grandma and Grandpa with Mason 2

Kris and Marisa with Mason

Mason at one day old

Grandpa holding Mason at one day old

Hendren's Visit

Aunt Alyssa and Aunt Erika

Aunt Alyssa holding Mason

Aunt Alyssa holding Mason

Aunt Erika holding Mason

Aunt Erika holding Mason

Grandma Hendren holding Mason

Grandma Hendren holding Mason

Checking in with Mason

Posing with Mason

Checking in with Mason

Lying in crib

Mason praying

MMA Visit

Denise and Mason

Katie and Mason

Katie and Mason

Coming Home

Putting on the "Go Home" outfit

Preparing Mason to go home

Almost dressed!

Leaving the hospital

Driving home

Arriving at home

Arriving at home

Going straight to bed!!!

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This site was last updated 11/23/07