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December 2005 Pictures

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Christmas Lights!

Mason shows Grandma how to color

Maddie and Mommy

It's Gwam-PA!

Happy Birthday Grandma!

I need a BAFF

My future's so bright!

Mommy and Maddie

Ok - get off of me now.

Mason in Boston!

Gingerbread cookies at the PRU

We're ready for dinner!

OK, I'm officially a ham.

Mason and Maddie with Mommy

Look at that!

Mommy and Maddie

Maddie by the tree

Mason makes a face

Daddy with Maddie

Daddy and Mason make "strong man" faces

Maddie hides in the closet

OK - scratch your heads!

Pucker UP!

Mason in the church play

Brunch with Grandma and Grandpa!


Visitng Grandma's house and play drawer

I'll fix the carpet

Are we sharing?

More presents from Grandpa Eric!

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This site was last updated 11/23/07