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Winter 2008-2009 Pictures

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Daddy's Birthday with Maddie!

Maddie and Mason on the cape

Daddy reads a book to Maddie's Class

Maddie's First Haircut

Maddie outside of "Snip-Its"

Maddie eating breakfast after her haircut

Maddie a little scared.

Maddie stays still!

Playing in the Snow

Can I swing in this weather?

Mason a wee bit cold.

Kids New Year's Eve Party!

Are we ready for a sleepover?!

The boys are ready!

Look at all the sleeping bags!

It's the Wii room!

Whose ready for sleep?

Good night girls!

New Years Eve is fun!

Jeff and Carolyn on Jeff's Birthday

Pops gets a haircut

Grandpa Pops

Maddie's Tea Party

Visiting Grandpa Pops

Making Cookies with Grandma

Mason at the Bruins Game

Mommy and Mason at the Bruins

Mason checks out the Bruins

Making Cookies

I love Frosting!

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This site was last updated 03/08/09