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February 2006 Pictures

Happy Birthday Uncle Adam!

Adam cuts his cake

Do that again, Grandpa!

I love Ice Cream!

Gwamma Spimmone reads Mason a book

Daddy and Maddie


I'm not that messy.

You lookin' at me?

Mason - why the face?

Daddy and Maddie play trucks

Mason in a tunnel

Mason clears snow in a Bobcat

Tonights weather: Snow!

At the Boston Children's Museum

Daddy and Maddie

Mason rides a Motorcycle

The Bubble Room!

I'm Bob the Builder

I can fix this!

Water play!

James invited us Ice Skating!

Put me in Coach!

Me Too!

Am I in jail?

This is how to skate!

Group shot

Strollers on Ice!

Mason's First Movie (Curious George)

Is it summertime?

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This site was last updated 11/23/07