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Cape Vacation - August 2008

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Exploring the beach at dark

Maddie on Skaket Beach

Mommy with Mason and Maddie

Maddie loves the water!

Maddie surfing?

Maddie and Mason being silly

Check out our sand castle!

Daddy helps Maddie make sand castles

Mommy and Maddie

Mason and Maddie love the beach!

Daddy and Maddie take a picture of themselves

Dinner in Provincetown

Daddy burnt like a lobstah

What a fun day!

Christine and Adelyn

At the beach!

Mason waves the flag!

Chrstine with Ade-bell

Maddie makes more castles

Mason just in from bodysurfing

Mason and his friend Isabella

Check out these kids!

Mason finds a shady spot for a nap on his board

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This site was last updated 09/08/08