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Easter 2007

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Mike's first Legal's Dinner

Aunt Ah and Mason

Maddie kisses Grandma

Maddie finishes her clam chowdah

Mason has his hair done "Beauty Shop" style

Maddie and Aunt Ah make cookies

Aunt Ah and Mason

Maddie says Happy Easter!

The Easter Bunny came!

I got something soft!

Look at the candy!

Isn't Easter nice?

Look Grandma!!

Maddie does an Easter Egg Hunt at Church

Uncle Adam and Maddie

Grandma and Grandpa

Uncle Adam and Aunt Michaelyn

Corey with Grandpa Pops

Grandma and Grandpa

Kris and Grandpa

Uncle Corey has a handful, showing off their bunnies

Uncle Adam and Pops

Pops and his boys

Kris and Maddie

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This site was last updated 11/23/07