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July 2009 Pictures

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Mommy and Maddie


Ready for Mini-Golf

Let's Play!

Daddy takes the picture - we love the cape!

Jeff and Grandpa Pops

Gramdpa amd Gramdma

At the conference in PA!

Kris leaves with his notes...

Mom knows where to go!

Kris shows the handouts

Jeff and Mom

It's great here!

Aunt Muriel makes breakfast

Kris and Aunt Muriel

Jeff and Aunt Muriel

Kris changes batteries in the clock

Jeff, Muriel and Kris

Cheers! Muriel and Sandi

Visiting Uncle Tony

Uncle Tony and Aunt Muriel

Sandi and Muriel

Having Dinner


Jeff makes breakfast

Careful, Jeff! Make them good!

Saying Good-Bye

Uncle Tony and Aunt Muriel with Mom

Waving Hi!

Hanging out in Times Square

Kris pushes Maddie

Mason gets his M&M's!

Marisa and Maddie at American Girl

Daddy and Maddie at American Girl

Grandpa and Mason

Kris carries Maddie to Fenway

Being silly at Fenway

Mason and Maddie not watching the game!

Marisa and Mason

Lutz Family at the Red Sox

Too bad they lost!

Kris and Mason

Maddie cheers for the Sox

Jeff with Pops

Jeff shows Pops the Wedding pictures

Jeff and Carolyn prepare for the 4th

Zoe and Maddie

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This site was last updated 08/26/09