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Photo Gallery


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Apple Picking with Uncle Jeff and Aunt 'Lynna

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Mason drives the Tractor (Bubble)

Daddy and Maddie enjoy an Apple

Lutz Family

Family photo

Uncle Jeff with Kids

Maddie with Jeff and Lynna

Uncle Jeff and Aunt Lynna

Mommy and Maddie

Maddie give back her sunglasses!

Mason found one!

Maddie wants a Pumpkin

Mason, hold on!

Hay Ride!

Enjoying a Cortland

You know Where's Waldo? Where's Mason?

This is how Mason smiles!

A great fall day!

How many Apples do we pick?

Mason: "Stick with me, kid".

Maddie peeks for Pigs

Maddie watches the goats

Maddie found one!

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This site was last updated 11/23/07