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May 2006 Pictures

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Maddie eats a burger like Daddy

Mason's Class Photo

Mason's Nursery School Photo

Mommy's Day Gifts!

If I make a wish...

Maddie showing off

Mason on the swings

Grandma on the See Saw!

Maddie on the slide

Marisa makes a wish

How old is she?

At Toys 'R Us in Times Square!

Adam pushes his pals

Mason is happy

Maddie is not.

Adam and Michaelyn's Apartment

We're tired.

We're on the Mr. Potato Head car!

Adam pushes the kids

Daddy and pals

Sleeping in Central Park

Adam and Michaelyn

Lutz Family in NY!

Adam, show me the turtles!

Mason in Central Park

Cruise Dinner with the Haiduk's

Grandma Grandpa on their Mediterranean Cruise!

Memorial Day Barbecue

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This site was last updated 11/23/07