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Easter 2008

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Look at what the Bunny brought!

Maddie is shocked!

The Easter Bunny Came!

Hendren Girls

Family Church Picture

Marsha and Erika

Hendren Family

Lutz Family

Ready for Church

Silly Poses

Mason kisses Maddie

Maddie ready for Church

Mason ready for Church

Maddie dances at the piano

Daddy and Maddie

Daddy LOVES Maddie!

Daddy LOVES Mason!

Mason and Maddie

Look Mason!

Church Easter Egg Hunt

Maddie sees something!

Mason on the hunt

Mason looks handsome

Mason looks for eggs

Easter Egg Hunt with the Neighbors

Who has the most eggs?

Maddie shows her loot

Mason on the Easter Egg Hunt

James and Mason

Aunt Lynna and Starbucks

Zoe finds a good one!

Zoe and Maddie

Maddie and Uncle Jeff

Uncle Jeff shares industry secrets

Aunt Lynna and Uncle Jeff

Zoe and Maddie

Aunt E reads the kids a good book

Uncle Jeff and Mason

Handsome Boys

Pops is Home!

Pops and Mom

Dessert Time!

Pops and Mom

Kris plays Piano

Mason plays Moulding Guitar

Jeff and Pops

Lynna and Jeff

Mason helps Daddy on the Piano

Easter Table

Resting on the Couch

Mason with Grandma and Grandpa

Pops with Mason

Kris and Pops

Jeff and Kris with Pops

Mason says Good Bye

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This site was last updated 03/23/08