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October 2007 Pictures

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Uncle Jeff and Maddie

Mason ready to swing


Laughing with Uncle Jeff

Maddie ready to bat

Maddie loves the swings

Family Photo 1

Family Photo 3 (don't ask about #2)

Maddie's School Photo 1

Maddie's School Photo 2

Mason's School Photo 1

Mason's School Photo 2

Maddie picks her Pumpkin

Our 2007 Pumpkins!

Maddie heads for the checkout

Aunt Alyssa blows out her Birthday Candles

Maddie ready for bed

Maddie with Pigtails

Maddie and Aunt Alyssa

Maddie at Grandma's House

Mason at Grandma's House

It's my MADDIE!

Maddie and Grandpa Pops

Pops and Uncle Jeff

Pops and Kris

Walking around with Grandpa Pops

Snappin' to some Tunes

Showing off at Boat House

Good Bye Grandpa Pops! We love you!

John Ahlin and Mason

John and Maddie laughing

Kris' Cousin Chris and family visit!

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This site was last updated 11/23/07