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October 2005 Pictures

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Anyone want to dance with me?

I've got one!

What a nice day to pick apples!

We're apple picking!

MMmm...this apple is good!

Thanks Gracie for the Ice Cream!

Mommy and Maddie

Will you read me this book?

Uncle Corey and Mason

Uncle Corey and Maddie


I need a bath.

I love my robe!

Check out my robe!

Let me read a bedtime story.

I want them all!

This is my pumpkin!

I'm not touching that.

Eewwh...what is in there?

Introducing...the 2005 Lutz Pumpkin!

Mason carves the pumpkin

Snow in October?

It's not supposed to snow!

Ready for Church

Opening presents from Grandma

Daddy and the Kids

Maddie rides her bike

Maddie and the Pumpkin

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This site was last updated 11/23/07