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Bahamas Atlantis Vacation

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Maddie on the Plane

Mason and Jeff on the Plane

Ready for Takeoff

Listening to Tunes

Straight to the Beach!

Mason and Uncle Jeff

Let's Snowplow!

Daddy and silly Maddie

Mommy in the Big Chair

Uncle Jeff in the Big Chair

Aunt Lynna and kids in the Big Chair

Aunt Lynna

Dinner Out

Maddie ready for the Beach

Mason and Daddy

Daddy and Mason play Air Hockey

Ice Cream Bench!

Mason stylin' in the Big Chair

Mason ready for the Beach

Daddy and Maddie in the Big Chair

Mason on the Water Ship!

Out the water slide he comes

Mommy and Maddie

Jeff and Carolyn

Splash Splash Splash!

Maddie ready for more

Daddy and Maddie

Jeff and Carolyn

Kris and Jeff

Marisa and Kris

Grandma and Mason

Maddie and Mommy

Grandma and Tall Guy

Mason loves Air Hockey

Kris and Marisa

Swimming with Dolphins

Everyone plays Air Hockey

Even Maddie gives it a whirl!

Marisa and Carolyn

Maddie drives the Racecar

Maddie in the Stone Chair

Mason with Mommy and Daddy

The Eldest of Three Generations

Marisa and Carolyn

Enjoying a wildlife walk

The Bahamas are Fun!

Mason and Maddie

Jeff and Carolyn with Mason and Maddie

Lutz Family in the Bahamas

[WARNING] -- Smoking Cubans After Hours


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This site was last updated 01/25/08