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November 2005 Pictures

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Autumn Backyard

Mason and Maddie Dancing

I'm resting.

Let's rake some leaves!

I'm going to catch you!

It's more fun to play than rake.

Don't lose me in the leaves!

Daddy with his helpers.

I'm ready for dinner!

Lutz family "pre-Thanksgiving" dinner

I love chocolate cake!

Uncle Adam with Maddie

Pops and Kris perform a duet

Maddie not so happy

Family Photo

The Lutz Men

Watching Snoopy on the couch.

Nursery School Thanksgiving Lunch

Check out the Centerpiece!

Mommy and Mason; Matching Outfits.

Hut 1; Hut 2; HIKE!

Check out my Cubby!

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This site was last updated 11/23/07