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October/November 2009 Pictures

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Baby Alex!

The Carlsen's with Jeff and Alex

We brought Alex to see Grandpa for the first time!

Uncle Drew and Aunt Christine with Alex

Aunt Christine holds Alex

Maddie and Zoe

Go Maddie!

We are tired!

Maddie holds Alex

Mason at soccer

Maddie loves holding Alex

Playing with Alex

Alex's first Thanksgiving

Celebrating Alex's 1st Thanksgiving

Mason being thankful

The Lutz Thanksgiving Dinner

All ready!

Grandma Marsha and Alex

Maddie and Alex

Check out this fish tank!

Getting our Christmas Tree

I see a good one!

Apple time!

Can we get a wreath too?

We found a good Christmas Tree!

Is this a good pose?

Mason and Maddie

Daddy and Mommy

Watching Daddy get a haircut

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This site was last updated 11/20/10