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Father's Day at the Cape 2007

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Kris and Pops - Check out the Digital Frame

Three Boys Chatting

Jeff gets Pops a Shirt

Mom and Pops

Pops and Kris

Jeff and Pops singing

Pops and Jeff

Check out the plane!

At the beach

Nice picture of Mom and Pops

Beautiful day at the beach.

Look - a Sailboat!

Pops loves his TV! (so does Maddie)

Ready for a walk

Is this the new house?

Father's Day shirts from Mom

Where's Mason going?

Kris and Mason

Ready for some BBQ!

Pops and Marisa

Hangin' Loose!

Daddy opens Mason's present. No shirt since he spilled Daddy's coffee on it.

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This site was last updated 11/23/07