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Maddie's 2nd Birthday

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Mason gave her a Dr. Kit!

It's an Ice Cream Cake!

Maddie blows the candles

Maddie eating cake

Maddie remains clean

Mason gives a Thumbs Up

Katherine pushing the stroller

Maddie opens a gift

Daddy and his girl

Maddie exactly 2 years old

Maddie plays with her new toys

Maddie feeds her dolly

Playing with Maddie's new Dolly crib

Grandma and Mason

Mmmmm...Spare Ribs!

Mommy and Birthday Girl

Grandma and Mason

Daddy and Maddie

Alison relaxing

Mason in Aunt-E's Car

Katherine in the sandbox

Everyone Swing!

Family Photo

It's the Birthday Girl!

The Cutie

Grandma and Mason in Daddy's Garden

Fast forward this 13 years

A healthy birthday dinner! (no ribs)

Maddie laughing

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This site was last updated 11/23/07