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Maddie's 3rd Birthday

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Daddy bought a Moon Bouncer!

Helping Daddy set up the Moon Bouncer

Maddie climbs the Moon Bouncer

The Moon Bouncer works!

Mason slides fast!

Out to dinner the night before

Tomorrow I turn Three!

Aunt Erika reads a book

Adam and Michaelyn

Aunt Alyssa and Grandma

I'm ready for the pool!

Lutz Brothers and Wives

Look at all the presents!

Reading the card first

I'm the Princess today!

Maddie's first Heels

Mason and Daddy get the lawn ready

Mason on the Slip 'N Slide

Uncle Jeff on the Moon Bounce

Trying on Mommy's Shoes

Moving the Slip 'n Slide to be dangerous

Eating Ice Cream

Uncle Jeff and Aunt Carolyn

Aunt Alyssa and Maddie

The Birthday Girl!


Maddie's Birthday Ballet Cake

Drumlin Farm on her actual Birthday

Can you find Mason?

Mommy with Red Sox Hat

Check out the second hole - her foot!

Daddy and Mason

Mason pushes her Birthday Sister

Marisa and Mom

Mason with Flower Power in his ear

Kris and Marisa

Mason drives the Tractor

Mason loves this!

Maddie and Daddy

Maddie exactly 3 years old

Grandma holds Maddie

Birthday girl has an Apple

Mason can spell his name!

Stenciling the Driveway

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This site was last updated 11/23/07