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Maddie's 4th Birthday Party

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The backyard is a carnival!

Maddie's friends decide to dress up

Maddie and Aunt Alyssa

Mason and Aunt Ah

Maddie tries out her new toy

Maddie and Mommy

The birthday girl with Mom and Dad

Alyssa and Mom

Enjoying some lunch

The Birthday Girl looking cute

Mason in the Moon Bounce - static cling hair!

Mason and Maddie in the Moon Bounce

Maddie and her friends

Maddie all smiles with her cake

Christine and Maddie

Maddie's Princess Cake

Marisa and Carolyn

Blowing out the candles

Maddie with the Sunglass Twins

Aunt Ah and Mason

All smiles!

The boys find a shady tree

Daddy jumps high, so the sitting kids get a big bounce!

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This site was last updated 09/08/08