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Maddie's 5th Birthday - Family Parties

Playing with baby Kyle

Ready to open some presents!

American Girl clothes!

Mason and Aunt Alyssa

Birthday Girl all smiles

Aunt Erika and Maddie

Maddie and Aunt Alyssa

Happy Birthday, Maddie!

Aunt Erika and Grandma Marsha

Look who is FIVE!

Alison and Maddie

Smashing Oreos for a topping

We are ready for dessert!

Mason and Maddie

Making our own sundaes!

I made a good one!

Mommy and Maddie

Yes, this is as big as it looks.

And he ate like a dog.

Maddie eats her ice cream.

Daddy, relaxin'!

Mommy and Maddie at SKY

Mason and Daddy

Maddie wanted to eat here for her "actual" Birthday! (nice choice, Maddie!)

Daddy bought Maddie flowers

Opening presents

Maddie's 5th Birthday - Kids party at Beehive Art Studio

I will start the painting!

Coloring Maddie's Sign

Making picture frames

Mason shows off some artwork

Mason and James paint the castle

Aren't arts and crafts fun?!

Happy Birthday, Maddie!

Maddie and Christine paint

Check out our beautiful painting!

Hello Kitty Cake!

Mason is that paint in your hair?!

This was fun, Maddie!

Everybody ready to sing Happy Birthday

Maddie blows out her candles

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This site was last updated 09/08/09