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Maddie's Ballet Recital (Rehearsal and Recital!)

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Yeah Maddie!

Maddie stretching!

Christine and Maddie at rehearsal

Maddie at rehearsal

Final Rehearsal

I wish you luck!

James and Mason

Mason and Maddie

Maddie is ready!

Aunt 'Lynna and Uncle Jeff love me!

Mason and Maddie

Maddie is ready!

We are on!

OK - big performance!


Aunt Ah and me...

Mason and James

Maddie and her Aunts

Maddie and her Mom and Dad

Hendren Picture

Smile, Maddie!

We are so proud of you!

Daddy and Maddie

Mommy and Maddie

Maddie's Recital was wonderful!

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This site was last updated 07/25/09