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Madeline Emily Lutz

August 26, 2004  8:54 PM

8 lbs., 10 oz.

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Uncle Jeff watches Mason while we go to the Hospital

Yes, that's me (Kris) reading the Tweeter Ad in the delivery room

Madeline is born and weighed in!

Happy Parents with Maddie

Kris holding Maddie

Madeline close-up

Mason meets his new sister

Uncle Jeff holds his niece

Mason admire's Maddie's shampoo

Just met - but Best Pals

Grandma holding Maddie

Mason with his new baby doll you like to dance?

The growing Lutz Family

Kris holding Maddie again

Aunt Alyssa and Maddie

Another Maddie close-up

Maddie appearing to smile

Maddie looking alert

Denise meeting Maddie

Mason hugging Maddie

Mason holding Maddie

Aunt Carolyn holding Maddie

As it states...He's an "Awesome Big Brother"

Grandma holding Maddie

Geez, this crib doesn't fit me anymore...

Dr. Neptune...who delivered Maddie

Putting on the outfit to go home

Ready for my first ride!

Oh...Dad, don't hit that bump again!

Safe at home, Mason hugs Maddie again

Welcome Home Madeline!

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