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Antonio Salerno

1917 - 2008


Check out these links from previous visits to Uncle Tony and Aunt Muriel:

October 2006 Family Reunion

August 2007 Visit

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Kris and Aunt Muriel

Edie, Adam and Michaelyn

Kris listens to Aunt Muriel

Kevin and Stephanie

Sandi, Drew and Edie

Jeff and Aunt Muriel

Adam, Muriel and Michaelyn

Carolyn, Muriel and Jeff

Edie with Maddie

Stephanie, Edie and Kevin

Lutz Family with Aunt Muriel

Maddie and Uncle Adam

Edie, Muriel and Sandi

At the Lunch

Mason says good-bye to Grandma Edie

Maddie says good-bye to Grandma Edie

Checking out Kris' Shoes

The Lutz Brothers

Mason hugs Aunt Muriel

Maddie hugs Aunt Muriel

Jeff and Carolyn, Adam and Michaelyn

Carolyn and Jeff

Adam and Michaelyn

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This site was last updated 04/01/08